According to the hair growth timeline chart above the initial hair growth after hair transplant becomes observable at the beginning of the 3rd month and it reaches 20 progress in the 5th. The growth starts appearing in 5-6 months and the full results can take around 9-12 months. Hair Transplant For Crown The Treatment Rooms London Hair Transplant Doctors in Piscataway NJ. . Focusing on women human hair topper 100 Handmade natural and lightweight. These examples of Norwood classification patients come from 5000 procedures performed by Dr. The front grafts started growing in around month 4 - exactly as scheduled. The following are some examples of female hair transplant before and after photos. Hair Transplant Timeline Crown - The implantation mainly covered the frontal hairline and the crown area. In my opinion the crown growth. All procedures have been performed by Dr. The general rule of thumb is that you...